Preface: Following with the recent update regarding Comment DVDs and Comment CDs, here we have the first Comment DVD translation! Unfortunately I do not have the capabilities of copying the video footage from the DVD, nor the legal right to share said footage, but I have translated the spoken contents for your understanding and entertainment (they are funny, funny guys). As the title of this update suggests, this is the Comment DVD for WHITEOUT that I received from a CD shop called ZEAL LINK. I hope you enjoy!

Hiro: Thank you everyone… who bought WHITEOUT from ZEAL LINK. We are the famous NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST.

Everyone: Yeah~ Chuckling, clapping.

Hiro: Yes! So, has everyone listened to WHITEOUT already? What do you think?

Cazqui: Terrific! Cool! Sexy!

Hiro: Thank you! Eh, WHITEOUT—

Everyone: Laughs

Hiro: —is a really fun song at lives too, so by all means come to our live!
Everyone: Laughs

Hiro: Please enjoy being riotous!

Translator's Notes:
Hiro kept breaking his sentences up into little parts, giving pregnant pauses between words. It was making everyone laugh. Cazqui also made his voice very high-pitched, as if the fans themselves were answering Hiro's question.
I would like to express my gratitude to Chris for checking this over before publishing.


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