
Showing posts from March, 2020

UNLEASH - NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST [Lyrics and Translations]

Preface : Translation for the mini album UNLEASH. The original lyrics are not mine; the translations are.

OHP Update [breakin' holiday]

Preface : I translated the official statement on breakin' holiday's official website and some Twitter comments from the other members regarding the March 25th oneman cancellation and KAJI's departure.


Preface : Around the release of NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST'S "WHITEOUT" EP, geki ROCK and HMV released a short explanation of all songs on the CD from Cazqui. There are some interesting, and some not-so-surprising things he's said about these songs, so I hope you enjoy!

OHP Update [Hiatus Announcement] - DADAROMA

Preface : I'm a couple days late to posting this, my apologies.

OHP Update [KAJI Departure] - breakin' holiday

Preface : As the title suggests, this is a sad piece of news, but I'm remaining positive and hopeful, for everyone involved!

1st Album "PALOMAR KNOT" Interview [breakin' holiday]

Preface : After a long interim, I'm finally back with a translation! I have some other things in my backlog, and yet others still prepped for translating. I'm hoping things regarding work will calm down enough that I can get to all of them in a timely manner. Thank you for your patience, and please enjoy!