
Showing posts from April, 2019

mysound magazine [DIR EN GREY] - Shinya

Preface : I checked DIR EN GREY's OHP a little while ago and saw that there was this interview with Shinya on mysound. I also enjoy playing boardgames with my friends, so I was excited to read this interview! I hope you enjoy it, too.

Song Commentary - breakin' holiday

Preface : With the second press of LILITH and the Special Edition CD (with LILITH and FANTASIA) that breakin' holiday was selling on March 30, they included a QR-code and URL to their new lyric and commentary site. 'Lyric' has been unfortunately misspelled two different ways in the CD jacket and on the site.

Flyer - breakin' holiday

Preface : I got a flyer from the twoman on Saturday (March 30) with Far East Dizain last weekend. There was some interesting information inside that I thought may be interesting for people to know.

自主版倶楽部 Jishuban Club [LILITH] Comment DVD - breakin' holiday

Preface : Closing in on the last few comments from LILITH. This one comes from the Jishuban Club shop.

OHP Update [Instores] - breakin' holiday

Preface : A couple weeks ago, b'h announced the details for their instore events! You can read them below.

OHP Update [New Single] - DADAROMA

Preface : DADAROMA have been back for a while already, with a mini album released in November 2018, but now they're set to release a new single!


Preface : Long-form interview magazine ROCK AND READ has recently announced the lineup for their upcoming April release. I've included the list below.

OHP Update [3rd Single Bonuses] - breakin' holiday

Preface : Below is the list of bonuses for 葬列 that you can get at various shops.

OHP Update [New Single] - breakin' holiday

Preface : Belated, but below is the information regarding breakin' holiday's upcoming third single release!

OHP Update [2nd Oneman Announcement] - breakin' holiday

Preface : NO, I have not forgotten about my blog! Life has been a rollercoaster of varying degrees of crazy-busy. I still have plenty of things in a backlog for posting, and I'll do my best in the next few days/weeks to get caught up as best I can. Thank you for your patience!